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Food for Mind

Global Chip Crisis: Part 2 - The Dragon China

China's companies are making impressive development during the past few decades, especially in the semiconductor industry with giants like Huawei & SMIC building their own empires. Find out more about the chip industry of China - how it has grown from a struggling third world country to the present position that threatens even the most powerful states of the modern world.

ARM - the Revolution

ARM is a unique company with a special business model. They follow a different path and invented the architecture that would spark a massive transformation across the semiconductor industry. Read about how ARM manages to become one of the most influential chipmakers and shake the throne of the giant Intel.

Global Chip Crisis: Part 1 - Rome wasn't built in a day

Factories of chipmakers - or fabs - are the marvelous wonders of human engineering. In the midst of the global chip crisis, these foundries hold a huge part of the world economy in their hand. Read to understand why it is so hard to construct a foundry, a formidable challenge that makes it not just like any factory.

Forensics of a Smartphone

What is inside the magical black box that we carry with us everyday? The box that compiles everything: from a simple alarm clock to the expensive cameras, the helpful flashlight as well as the important mobile phone. This forensic session will perform surgery on the body of the most innovative smartphone until now: the Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra.

Intel - the tick-tock empire

Intel - the giant tech who built up an important part of Silicon Valley. Recent fierce competition has dealt heavy hits and threatened Intel's dominance on the semiconductor industry. Explore the history of this legendary company, from the very first brick of the computing revolution to the power peak and its recent downfall.

Chip Memory: Part 2 - The Chimpanzee Memory

RAM capacity has been one of the most important parameters to judge the strength of a computer. Higher RAM means better performance and more powerful programs. Read about the electronic short-term memory, the part that helps carry out millions of decisions in a blink of an eye.

Chip Memory: Part 1 - Hippocampus

We all have our time machines. Those that take us forward are called dreams, and those that take us back are called memories. Find out how electronic devices store their memory and data into silicon material, saving the knowledge of humankind into semiconductor brains.

The Journey of Moore

Transistors - the bricks that build up the Era of Information, destined to evolve exponentially by the prophecy of Gordon Moore. Follow the footsteps of legends - the people who started and have been struggled for decades to keep Moore's law alive, shrinking those electronic bricks to near atomic size.

Putting Paris in a bottle

A chip is dead. Who killed the chip? Travel with the forensic team and have a look inside the organs of a Microchip, to see the anatomy of the greatest invention of humankind in the 20th century. A brain that is made of silicon, size of a fingernail and strength of a billion transistors.

Explore The World

Travel experience together with interesting knowledge. Haven’t done coding – wait lah!